The National Agency of Information Society (NAIS), as the basic institution regarding the digitization of public administration and public services offered to citizens and businesses, operates based on the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 673, dated 22.11.2017. Based on its wide scope, as well as the existing expertise of human capacities available, AKSHI inaugurated the newest technological center “TechSpace” on February 18, being responsible for the creation of creative space environments of it, the design of programs in support and development of startups, as well as the promotion of consolidated businesses within the Center in the expansion of their activity.
Humans of TechSpace
“TechSpace” environments are designed to enable the co-design of innovative products, their testing, theΒ sharing of ideas and the creation of prototypes, as well as relaxation in dedicated spaces.

Fakulteti i Shkencave tΓ« NatyrΓ«s

Universitetin Politeknik tΓ« TiranΓ«s

Shkolla e Mesme Profesionale TIK "Hermann Gmeiner"

Shkolla Profesionale Teknike Elektrike "Gjergj Canco"
Albanian-American Development Foundation